Everything the school needs in one system
Many educators use multiple software suites for teaching and learning activities, adding unnecessary costs and inefficiency for the school. EdConnect provides a complete and integrated module set to support the academic foundations of the school, from managing assessments, extracurricular activities, reporting, scheduling, and graduation.
Technology for Teaching and Learning
Set and manage subject scheduling with edConnect, which will ensure an optimized class and teacher utilization. Class setup can be completed in minutes, instead of days.
Teaching effectiveness can be measured through qualitative (through the teacher's own reflection after teaching) and quantitative (formative progress of the student) means, reflected in the summative assessment results of the student. EdConnect enables both types of measurements in an integrated system.
With edConnect, a previously developed teaching framework can be easily duplicated and standardized between educators in a school.
Core Modules
- Curriculum
- Learning Management System(LMS)
- Computer-Based Testing (CBT)
- Lesson Plan
- Assessment
- Extracurricular Activities
- Library
- Scheduling
- Graduation